Wooden houses: Pros and Cons, and How to Maintain Them

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Problems such as wood rot, mold, or termites can compromise the construction if the wood is not treated correctly and maintained. How can you prevent and tackle these problems?

Hire a professional: The company that built your house could be well-versed in maintaining it. If you do not know how to treat and preserve wood, you should seek professional help to diagnose and repair the problems correctly. Though the service has a cost, it’s worth spending for. However, technical knowledge makes all the difference because these professionals already know which products to use and not to use.

If, however, you think you have the competence and ability to deal with the problem, follow the following steps:

Pest control: To find out if termites have attacked the wood, tap it with your fingers. If the sound is hollow, then there is a problem of termites to address. In this case, go to a construction store and buy the specific disinfectant specially created for termites. There is a wide range of products for this purpose. Ask the store professional for an opinion if you need clarification about which one to buy. Protect your hands, eyes, and respiratory tract when using the product, and do not sleep in the house for 24 hours following application unless the product indicates otherwise.

Varnishing: Besides insects, wood can rot due to fungi. The entire structure is at risk if fungi attack, especially on the support beams. It is a problem to be taken seriously, so we recommend applying a layer of varnish to the wood every three years. The varnish prevents fungi infestations, the accumulation of water, and the wear of the surface due to atmospheric conditions.

Additional suggestions: If your wooden house has cracks, it means that the heat has expanded the wood. In this case, you must apply silicone to prevent water infiltration. Are weeds the problem? Weeds can gradually appear on the surface of the house and spread quickly. Remove them with a small shovel as soon as you detect them.


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