The Best Solar Orientation for Your Home. Find Out Everything!

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Álbum fotográfico de casa em Ovar, ARKHY PHOTO ARKHY PHOTO Modern houses

Building a house from scratch is undoubtedly a great challenge. Everything can be chosen and adjusted according to the client’s demands and expectations, using the knowledge of professionals. The first significant decision then involves choosing the location, land, and consequent building siting. This design stage is fundamental for the proper functioning of the house, and it is necessary to understand that each country has its specificities that vary depending on the climate and sun exposure. In India, we all know that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, with solar gains greater in the South orientation than in the North.

Of course, even within the country, the best orientation for building your house varies. In areas where temperatures reach high values, it is necessary to protect a house from excess solar energy. Further north, the climate becomes increasingly colder, making it preferable to open the house to the South, taking advantage of every ray of sun.

In this article, we will inform you about how you should orient your home to make the most of solar gains to reduce gas or electricity bills during seasons with the highest peak temperatures.


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