Modular Concrete Houses: Beauty and Quality at Low Cost

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Are you thinking about building a modular home? So, you must consider the advantages and disadvantages.

Here are the main advantages:

Quick construction: one of the reasons why people delay building a house is the time and inconvenience this process causes. Modular houses, being built in a factory and assembled on site, are ready quickly and do not depend on weather conditions. Furthermore, while the parts are being manufactured, professionals can prepare the ground.

Ecological: whoever produces these houses calculates exactly the material needed for each part, which prevents waste. Furthermore, when a traditional house is built, a lot of waste is always generated on the construction site, which does not happen in this case because it is a less invasive construction. It is also worth highlighting that these modern constructions include installations that reduce energy consumption (solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, etc.) and are made with materials that can later be recycled.

They are flexible: the houses can be easily extended sideways and upwards and the modules can be positioned in different ways. They are extremely flexible and serve the interests of the owners as time passes and circumstances change.

Cheaper: the reasons mentioned above and the need for less labor mean that the construction costs associated with modular homes are, in general, lower.

Quality: these houses must follow local building rules and codes and the quality of the modules is inspected and certified by independent entities. Note that the modules have to be transported and, as such, they need to be resistant to withstand the journey and then be assembled. Modular homes generally have excellent thermal insulation and excellent energy performance.


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